Oakbrook101 | Oakbrook Preparatory School

Oakbrook Honor Code

Students at Oakbrook must adhere to ethical standards. These standards preclude involvement in the following unacceptable behaviors. If a student is unclear as to whether or not his or her actions are in violation of the Honor Code, the student has the responsibility to clarify that action with the proper administrator.

Please review, read and sign the Honor Code before returning to school for the new year. 

Download & Sign

Attendance Calendar 2024-2025

Attendance Calendar


For a complete description of the Lower School Uniform Guidelines and dress code, see below.

Lower School Uniform

Teachers send home folders containing samples of student work each Thursday. This is an important avenue of communication between teachers, parents, and the administration. Report cards will evaluate each student's progress in every subject area.

  • K5 students are assessed at the end of each term.
  • K4 students are assessed at the end of the first and third terms.
  • Students in Grades 1-4 will receive a report each nine weeks of the academic calendar.
    • Children in Grades 1-3 will be rated Excellent, Satisfactory, Progressing, and Needs Improvement according to their demonstrated potential.
    • In Grade 4, percentage averages are calculated and reported as letter grades. Grade four continues to report social studies, science, and creative writing with ratings of Excellent, Satisfactory, Progressing, or Needs to Improve.

Grades 1- 4: Science and Social Studies

  • E 90 - 100
  • S+ 80 - 89
  • S 70 - 79
  • S- 60 - 79
  • P/N Below 60

Grades 3-4: Math and Language Arts:

  • A - 90 - 100
  • B - 80 - 89
  • C - 70 - 79
  • D - 60 - 69
  • F - Below 60

Early Bird

At the request of parents and teachers, we are providing Early Bird Service. Students who arrive at school early should go to designated Early Bird Room.

  • K3 - Grade 3: Primary Library
  • Grades 4-7: Student Commons
  • Students in grades 8 and up will remain in the Main Building until class begins.

Students are tardy if not in class by 8:00 a.m. for students in Grades 1-12 and by 8:15 a.m. for students K3-K5.

Knight Shift

Knight Shift is a service provided for parents for an additional fee who want quality care for their children after school. Some students attend Knight Shift regularly; others come on a drop-in basis. All children in full-day K5 through grade 8 who are at school 15 minutes after the dismissal time of the oldest sibling will be escorted to Knight Shift. We are pleased to offer this service at our campus for an additional fee. Hours are M-F 2:45pm - 6:00pm daily in the Primary Building (through grade 4) and 3:15pm - 6:00pm in the Main Building Senior Commons (grades 5-12). Students in Knight Shift should be able to complete their homework, enjoy a snack and play time daily, do an occasional art project, and attend home basketball games. There is no Knight Shift on half-days.


Unfortunately Oakbrook will not be able to offer the Supply Kits this year. Please see the list for a complete list of required materials.

All Rising 5th-8th Graders will need a personal Chromebook with a minimum of 4GB of RAM and 10GB of free (internal) storage space plus the following:

Middle School Supply List (Grades 5-8)

Grade Reporting

A midterm report will be sent home at the half-way point of each term. At the conclusion of each 9-week term, grades will be reported on the progress report. The grade on the progress report will reflect an average of the grades received that previous term.

An exam or project will be assigned at the end of each semester. The exam/project will represent a culminating work and may reflect an increased portion of the grade for the term or semester.

Requirements for Promotion

At the end of the year the grades for each term will be averaged to determine a final grade in each subject area. Any student in grades six through eight with a failing grade in math, English, or any two core subjects may not be promoted. Students must receive a passing grade in any upper school course in order to receive credit toward graduation. Students may retake any upper school courses originally taken prior to ninth grade. If an upper school course taken before ninth grade is retaken, the highest grade will be used in the GPA calculation. Students may be asked to repeat a non-credited course if it is deemed to be in their best interest.

Oakbrook follows the Uniform Grading Scale of South Carolina

  • A 90 - 100
  • B 80 - 89
  • C 70 - 79
  • D 60 - 69
  • F 51-59 (Partial GPR credit for Upper School courses)
  • F 50 and below (No GPR credit for Upper School courses)

Early Bird

At the request of parents and teachers, we are providing Early Bird Service. Students who arrive at school early should go to designated Early Bird Room.

  • Grades 4-7: Student Commons
  • Students in grades 8 and up will remain in the Main Building until class begins.

Students are tardy if not in class by 8:00 a.m. for students in Grade 1-12.

Knight Shift

Knight Shift is a service provided for parents for an additional fee who want quality care for their children after school. Some students attend Knight Shift regularly; others come on a drop-in basis. All children in full-day K5 through grade 8 who are at school 15 minutes after the dismissal time of the oldest sibling will be escorted to Knight Shift. We are pleased to offer this service at our campus for an additional fee. Hours are M-F 2:45pm - 6:00pm daily in the Primary Building (through grade 4) and 3:15pm - 6:00pm in the Main Building Senior Commons (grades 5-8). Students in Knight Shift should be able to complete their homework, enjoy a snack and play time daily, do an occasional art project, and attend home basketball games. There is no Knight Shift on half-days.


Grade Point Averages

All Carnegie Unit courses offered by Oakbrook will be designated and weighted as College Preparatory, Honors, or Advanced Placement. Students will be encouraged to pursue Honors level work based on standardized test scores, academic performance (minimum B average), and a teacher recommendation. The rigor of the honors curriculum will prepare students for the opportunity to select Advanced Placement courses in their Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years.

Carnegie Units

The South Carolina Uniform Grading Scale and the system for calculating GPAs and class rank will apply to all courses carrying Carnegie units, including units earned at the middle high school level (i.e. Algebra I, Geometry, Physical Science, and level one world language.)

See the Family Handbook here for a printable copy of the South Carolina Uniform Grading Scale.

Levels of Courses

CP: These courses are designed to fulfill the requirements to earn a high school diploma and prepare students for college. They earn weighted grade points as designated on the South Carolina Uniform Grading Scale.

HONORS: These courses are designed to be academically challenging and preparation for advanced placement courses.

AP (Advanced Placement): These courses are designed to be academically challenging and are taught on the college level. AP courses follow the curriculum provided by the College Board. College Board National AP Exams are in May of each year. Students should contact specific colleges to learn of their specific policy concerning awarding advanced placement credit.

Grade Point Averages

All Carnegie Unit courses offered by Oakbrook will be designated and weighted as College Preparatory, Honors, or Advanced Placement. Students will be encouraged to pursue Honors level work based on standardized test scores, academic performance (minimum B average), and a teacher recommendation. The rigor of the honors curriculum will prepare students for the opportunity to select Advanced Placement courses in their Junior and Senior years. Students will need to maintain a B average in order to remain in honors classes.

  • A 90 - 100
  • B 80 - 89
  • C 70 - 79
  • D 60 - 69
  • F 51-59 (Partial GPR credit)
  • F 50 and below (No GPR credit)

For example:
A grade of 100 will carry a CP weighting of a 5.0, an Honors weighting of 5.5, and an AP weighting of 6.0. A grade of 90 has a CP weighting of 4.0, an Honors weighting of 4.5, and an AP weighting of 5.0.

Some scholarships, however, may be based on unweighted values. For these calibrations, every A is weighted as a 4.0, every B as a 3.0, every C as a 2.0, and every D as a 1.0.

*The 10-point grading scale, adopted by Oakbrook in 2016-17, is not retroactive. All previous GPA credits, acquired on the previous grading scale, will remain untouched.

GPA/Class Rank

Grade point averages and class rank are determined using the South Carolina Uniform Grading Scale. Class rank is not distributed to colleges.


The GPA and/or class rank is used for school activities requiring rank placement such as top GPA award (presented to student with highest GPA in grades 9, 10, and 11); junior marshals (top six in junior class) and various senior honors and scholarships. The valedictory and salutatory awards are presented to the seniors with ranks of one and two, respectively.